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  • new hair

    17 februari 2005

    ok, so i decided to cut my hair. molly brought me to this place where you are being cut by harircut-students, which seemed great (young cool people knowing what they do and they want). we got there and when i told her i wanted to look like nicholas cage in the movie valley girl, and she didn’t know what film it was i started to get worried for the first time. anyway, she asked her friend and she had seen it so she explained. but ok, that doesn’t mean that you understand.

    the problem i have with people who cut hair or actually with everyone who has a profession is that i feel bad commenting or telling them stuff so i just sat there and let her fuck up my hair completely, even though she had two teachers helping her. she was so fucking slow and she was almost finished with that school. i thought: oh my, poor future customers of her.

    well, so i have this hair cut now. any ideas of upgrading it?

    4 kommentarer

    1. Hey! Looking sharp!

      /Andreas 2005-02-17, 16:22

    2. smarthair!

      /molly 2005-02-17, 17:20

    3. 8-/

      /Lena 2005-02-20, 00:59

    4. jag tycker du ser fin ut. bara lite trött.

      och sweetie, i sverige behöver man ju inte ha någon försäkring alls liksom. det är det som är det fina. alla har automatisk försäkring.

      dock, om du hade fixat ett par papper från försäkringskassan samt fixat ett tillägg till din vanliga försäkring för kanske ett par hundra så hade det täckt din sjuka i staterna också.

      det finns bara en lösning. du får kommma hem helt enkelt. kram.

      /ella 2005-02-21, 23:00

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