8 mars 2005imagine having a photograph in photoshop. create a new layer and fill it with white, change the opacity of that layer to maybe 70% or something and then you’ll understand how it is here today. so much smog! i hate cars.
just after i got up this morning i noticed that i had company. one of the windows in the kitchen was open so i ended up eating breakfast – with a cat! and while i was hanging out with the cat the door knocked and it was the gas dude. i pretended i lived there to avoid long explanations. when he left i had lost track of the cat. i had no idea where ”it” was. i hoped it had left the flat but wasn’t sure so i kept the kitchen window open incase.
one thing i noted in my notebook yesterday to remember to write here about was how this place is all into artificial things, like shopping malls that looks like real streets (and has a fake town hall and a tramway) and the amount of people who goes to a gym instead of include exercise in daily living, instead of taking the car everywhere. it’s crazy but maybe it’s the future of our living. i am scared.
right now i am using wall street journals special newspaper called money & investing as a mouse mat and it feels good.
oh, and also, yesterday i hung out with siri and then later johan too. we had some beers at a bar (forgot the name) on sunset and it was a pretty good night!
dude, stop lettting the cat in the house!
/stacie 2005-03-09, 21:45
dude, and yeah, wtf?!! it was all steppin’ around in the toilet and then on MY bed! there were pawprints all over!
/kaye 2005-03-09, 21:50
/site admin 2005-03-10, 20:53
dudes get a dog!
/martin 2005-03-11, 12:33